Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Essay #2 Reflection

Essay #2 was, in a sense, easier than essay #1 because I got a better understanding of what Ben and Craig were looking for in our writing. With essay #1 we had four weeks, with essay #2 we had not even two weeks. In a way this was easier because we had less time to overthink what we would write about, I thought it would be easier for me however, it turned out to be a lot harder than I expected. I did well in the start of the second essay but as we got closer, the plans I made, as far as content and structure of my essay, fell through. This caused me to drastically overthink things, I think this caused my essay to be completed poorly and I feel that I could of done a better job, unfortunatley it didn't work out that way. I do think that as far as getting a better understanding of ways that writing can be shared, like making it a character or a letter, showed , reminded me there's even more ways to write. I think that with the second essay, even though it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, it tought me more about the ways to prepare yourself and how your writing can be improved.

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